Serving San Joaquin County Since 1949!

Teaching a child to read braille
Fingertips on braille page
Blind child making the peace sign

Lighting Paths

Image Alt Text

to Independence

Photo of blind man

Adult Programs

 Women use white canes to navigate a BART station.

Vision rehabilitation-learning to cope with vision loss combined with training in communication skills, daily living skills and orientation and mobility enables people who have lost their vision to develop new skills that allow them to remain independent.

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Photo of person standing at the edge of a curb with white cane

Services are free, but can continue only through special events and the generosity of the community. You can help someone open a door to independence by making a tax deductible contribution.

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Youth Programs

Image of girl reading braille

Vision loss does not limit your child’s potential. Our programs will reinforce your child’s self-confidence, skills, stimulating youth to dream about the future while familiarizing them with the tools and resources to achieve those goals.

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Photo of child and trainer next to horse

Strengthen your community by making a positive impact no matter how you engage. You are strengthening your community for yourself and others. Connect and volunteer with us today!

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